Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I am learning

I am learning that this  cute, furry, bundle of joy adores sitting on me or my computer when I am trying to do school work.  As I am writing this, psycho kitty has literally jumped up on my lap and then on the desk 4 times after I have, so graciously, put her down on the floor.

I am learning that going back to college is hard after being out of the loop for 3.5 years (did I really have this much reading to do??).

I am learning that husbands can easily forget to do tasks that you ask them (so very kindly) to do :)

I am learning what it means to be "invested" in today's teenagers...even if that means you are a big nerd and they make fun of you.

I am learning what it means to be confident in who God has made me (and is continuing to shape me) to be and what I can bring to my relationships.

I am learning what it means to be a better listener, a better friend, and a better daughter.

I am learning what it means when they say that there is a ton of responsibility that comes with owning a dog (thanks Andy for giving me the opportunity to learn this one).

I am learning what it means when they say "are you a glass half-empty or half-full kind of person?" - I'm working on being the glass half-full kind of person.

I am learning that my marriage doesn't need to fit the "cookie cutter" mold and it doesn't need to look a certain way - which goes against what society deems as success.

I am learning that heels are not the most practical form of shoe when you are tromping around a college campus...aka.Louboutins are a fail.

I am learning that the Prodigal Son story is not just about one son, but about both...the elder and the younger and I am so quick to judge the younger of the brothers.

I am learning what true Grace and patience means.

I am learning to have more faith, more trust and more honesty with God.


  1. I am learning.. that my wife wears my slippers when I am not home!

  2. learn away young jedi learn away!!!
