Friday, January 21, 2011


1. How awkward would you feel if you were T-H-I-S girl?
This is an e.p.i.c f.a.i.l.
AND it happened at Berkshire Mall in Reading, PA.

2. Taking a drink of water from a water fountain with your hands full of text books , a beanie is on your head about to fall in the water, and your cell phone is slipping from your free hand....AND you get about 4 inches of your hair wet because it stuck to your mouth after taking a sip of water. 

3. Falling down the stairs...where did that step go??

4. Sitting in a class with all underclassmen and the professor (when taking roll) asks you, do I know you from some where? Me: hmm I don't think so. Professor: Are you sure??. Me: I think so! Professor: No, I really think I know. Me: *awkward laugh

5. This outfit:

6. When your nail polish gets the first pick or not to pick?

7. When you rub your dark jeans against your filthy car while climbing in and proceed to walk around all day with a huge dirt smudge on your leg.

8. When you (accidentally!!) elbow your husband in the face while you are sleeping

9. Stretching in your skis
The best and Lindsey H. stretching.
10.This picture of me...resurrecting from the 6th grade year book that I found yesterday...don't judge me.


1 comment:

  1. 1. what is on that tshirt?
    2. elbowing me in the face would be more awkward if i remembered it haha
