Tuesday, February 15, 2011

To all the haters...

How has it been over a WEEK since I've posted something?? Faithful readers and friends, sorry for my lack of updates! To be perfectly honest, the past 10 days have been a wild mix of panic, stress, freak outs, random outbreaks of giggling, a few tears, and a couple times where I just plunked myself infront of the TV or Facebook and tuned out for a bit. What, do you ask, would elicit such random behaviors and mood swings?


I know, I know- you're probably thinking- well this was your decision to go back- I wish I could go back to college! Well it just so happens that like all good professors, mine have decided to pack 3/4 of the semester's papers and projects into 2 weeks- having them due days apart from one another. The poor husband probably thinks "where has my wife gone??" "Who is this crazy, wild woman who giggles or cries at a drop of a hat?" I have married a man of great patience and love to put up with my craziness.

Speaking of which, yesterday was my favorite holiday!!! I L-O-V-E Valentines day for the mere fact that it's a beautiful day to celebrate love. And come on, what better way to tell someone you love them then by giving them a candy heart with a romantic saying on it...right, RIGHT?? To all you haters out there, who would deny that it is even a holiday, Happy Valentines Day!

And Happy Valentines Day to MY Valentine, Joseph Tyler Kepiro:

To a lifetime of celebrating our love together:)
 Okay haters, you may now roll your eyes

And for a weardrobe fix- here are 2 of my favorites from last week:
Jeans: Gap, Shirt: F21, Jacket: H&M, Hat: H&M, Ring: f21

Jeans: Gap, Shirt: F21, Jacket: H&M, Necklace: H&M, Shoes: Charlotte Russe, Hat: H&M

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