Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I just saw.

I just saw a robin.


I'm not exactly sure why I felt that statement needed to be shouted but usually when someone sees their first robin of the season, they feel the need to announce it. So here I am, announcing my siting!

So usually right around this almost-spring time, comes up that annoying little word called midterms. Guys, I H-A-T-E studying for tests and really am not very good at it. Usually I do EVERYTHING to avoid  studying. Case in point last night- I helped the husband fold the laundry, cleaned up the kitchen, hung up other laundry to dry, surfed the web, read peoples blogs, sat on Facebook. I did all this and then 1 1/2 hours later, I FINALLY SAT DOWN TO STUDY.

And its not just the act of taking the test, but I honestly don't remember how I studied as an undergrad. You know how when you are in your senior year of high school or college, you have studying down pat? You know that note cards work, sitting on the floor works, having your computer blaring with music works, re-writing your notes work. Well, since I've been out of school for almost 3 1/2 years, I TOTALLY FORGET HOW TO STUDY.

Do I use notecards?
Do I listen to music?
Do I re-write my notes?
Do I cram?

What do I do???

Taking midterms is equivalent to a splinter in your finger

So in the effort to stay fully engaged with my studying, I decided to find MORE things to occupy my mind while putting off studying and I found this:

And as I sit here and post this, I am AVOIDING STUDYING.

1 comment:

  1. Hiya, visiting from Sydney's thread.

    Your blog is super cute... and now I follow.

    Love, Shellsea - Giveaway Today :)
