Friday, March 4, 2011


It's Frrrrrrriday which means another TGIAwkward!

Having your hair stylist do your hair after it's always seems to not be the way you normally do it. But ohhh that head massage....

Walking around with a price tag sticker from another product stuck on your butt.

Someone fighting with a librarian at the City library...aren't they supposed to use their inside voices?

Looking outside and thinking its warmer than it is.

Biting your nails...picking your nails...biting your nail polish...picking your nail polish...just biting or picking anything on your hands.

Talking to undergrad students about married life...

Having your cellphone ring while you're using a public bathroom.

This picture:
Lederhosen men rocking out to polka!


  1. I don't think those guys are rocking out.. I think they are just in an intense stepping contest!
