Friday, July 8, 2011

Dont'cha just love?

Well lookee here... 3 blog posts in a row!! I could get used to this!

You know what one of my favorite things about being married to Tyler is? The fact that even though he is SO busy at work doing his fun little math equations and designing important tanks and nuclear power plants (yes that's right- NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS), he is willing to take the time out of his busy day to listen to me complain about my awful summer cold. He is also amazing because he tells me to stay home from work and rest, although I keep pushing myself to go hang out with the kiddos. Dont'cha just love him?

I realized that I never filled you in on whether or not I found my perfect shade of lipstick and if I ever mastered the high bun. Well (drum roll please) I achieved both!

After searching high and low for an affordable nude lipstick, I finally stumbled over this amazing stuff:

I found this beauty at Sephora- it is the Sephora brand and its called Lip Attitude G19. Its not only the shade I was looking for, but it also stays on for quite a long time too, and doesn't leave my lips dry and pasty (I think I found a new word to hate). Pretty fantastic stuff! Now if only it wouldn't attempt to melt in my bag on these hot summer days....

Now for the bun.....

Ta da!
It was super easy to do, and with just the right amount of grease in your hair (yup, it is recommended to not wash your hair the day that you want to do it), the right amount of tease, the right amount of bobby pins, the right amount of hair spray, and the right amount of pizazz you've got yourself a pretty little bun. 

Now grant it, my pretty little bun doesn't always look this pretty- usually it's too high or too low or too small or too big- but it usually depends on my attitude for the day! Hey it's your bun- you can do whatever you want with it!

Wanna learn how to do it? Check out Sydney's tutorial here!

And while we're talking about your dad a baker, because you've got nice buns! (couldn't help myself).

Well thats the good word for today. Time to take me and my sick, stuffy-nosed self to the couch for some Lifetime Movie watching.

Happy Friday!

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