Thursday, July 7, 2011


What do you think about the word compromise?

Noun: An agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.

To me compromise means choosing between the $17.95 dress and the $24.95 gorgeous pair of shorts. 

Compromise means choosing the cheaper dinner entree versus the more expensive one.

It means purchasing a $5.00 bike at a yard sale versus purchasing a $150 schwinn.

It means not buying a house or a dog until life settles, I finish school and get a job. 

It means watching White Collar on Wednesday nights and Ben 10 on Saturday mornings, instead of other shows of my choosing. 

It means picking up after the male that I share a roof with, and wash his baseball pants.

It means not going to California for our one year anniversary and instead spending the weekend in Chincotequea, Va.

It means husband and I sacrificing financially for 2 years while I pursue God's plan for me.

Compromise is not confined to just the above examples in my life, but on other major issues as well. Compromise is an amazing thing that can strengthen a marriage, friendship or any relationship for that matter. It is a selfish person laying down his or her pride, wants, hopes and sometimes even dreams for the other persons comfort.

What confuses me about compromise is when those "easy" issues (like the ones above) are resolved and you are faced with the harder, relational issues- like when husband is annoyed with you (for like the first time ever), voices his opinion, and you are truly at fault. Do you compromise and concede that he was right (when he really was, and you are just too stubborn to admit it), or do you get upset, annoyed back at him and shut down- which is what I tend to do. 

*sigh* Friends, compromise on the easy stuff is good, but compromise on the hard stuff is even better....although it doesn't make it any easier. Compromising on the hard stuff is the stuff they don't tell you about while you are dating, or in marriage counseling. That is where the real learning begins.

 I'm stubborn, prideful and have a bit of the only-child syndrome in me, but this time I am choosing to back down and let the husband win this battle. I think that (hopefully) it will get easier and easier as time moves on.

Just some thoughts that have been rolling around my head lately...

Happy Thursday!

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