Friday, March 7, 2014

Jnco Jeans

Okay so I know it's not Thursday anymore and I am a day late to do a #tbt, but I felt the convo between Tyler and I was very noteworthy to I'm going to do a #tbf. (And for those of you who don't understand the #tbt or #tbf, it stands for throw back Thursday, and throw back Friday...remembering the past, digging up old pics of yourself, embarrassing yourself, remembering how cute or awkward you were, etc).

Last night Tyler and I were reflecting on the first time that we actually got "name brand" clothing. For me, "name brand" or "popular" clothing meant not getting something from K-Mart or Goodwill, and shopping at a department store at the mall. For Tyler it meant not shopping at the department store and getting his first pair of Jnco Jeans...

Guys, do you remember Jnco Jeans? How were these things even popular and seriously, how deep were those pockets? You could loose your life in there! Now that I'm thinking about it, what would happen if you actually filled those pockets with spare change, a wallet, baseball cards, tools, shoe laces (and whatever else guys put in their pockets)?

Apparently when TK was allowed to get his first pair, he was ecstatic to say the least. He rushed in the door at home, grabbed a pair of scissors and began cutting off the tags of the highly coveted pants. As he was hacking away at the tags specifically attached to the deepest pockets on earth, he didn't realize exactly what he was cutting. A second later there was a small triangle by the back pocket existed. Needless to say, TK was devastated and the allure of Jnco's faded.

Good thing those bad boys decided to not stay in style. Let's hope that they will never resurrect again.

My first "popular clothing" purchase were two pairs of sa-weet L.E.I jeans. Ladies, do you remember these?

The wider the flare, the better. I guess they're still considered cool, since Taylor Swift models them...

So just thinking through the evolution of change in my style, it's amusing to look back on what we deemed "cool" back in the day of middle school and all things awkward. I consider myself a bit of a late bloomer. I never was really cool in middle or high school, and finally feel that as a late-20 something, I've finally found my voice, my style and am slowly becoming appreciative of the woman God is creating me to be. My 17-year-old self would probably nod her head in approval at my personal style now-a-days...although she would probably roll her eyes at my early bed time, pink slippers and lame jokes...

Blazer: H&M, T-shirt: Zara, Pants: Old Navy, Shoes: A Department Store :)

And just in case you were wondering what awkward Tyler and Becky looked like- here's a taste:


Cheers to day 3!

xo Becky

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