Thursday, March 6, 2014


Hey everyone! Welcome back. I've successfully made it to day #2...whew!

Thanks for joining me.

So I have to make a confession...I went to the mall today and bought an article of clothing...GASP! Okay it wasn't for me it was for Tyler and it was a coat, but seriously thanks for NOTHING mall and your gorgeous spring window displays (I'm glaring at you, J.Crew. H&M). So instead of walking proudly through the mall-scanning the window displays- I kept my head down, eyes on the floor and made zero eye contact with passerby's. Welcome to the world, anti-social Becky.

On an unrelated note, today's outfit was mainly a mixture of me wanting to be semi-dressy and just wanting to be warm. Gosh, I hate the winter...although I LOVE wearing winter clothes. The Filipino side of me is craving warm, delicious basking-in-the-80 degree-sunshine. Usually around this time of year I start dreaming of warm vacations...actually, really going anywhere other than the seemingly long East Coast winter (can it just stop snowing already??). 

So I'm currently dreaming about...




Rio de Janeiro...

And, in a heart beat, I'd go back to Nice...

But, for now, I'll just continue to dream about these potential vacation places...while I'm wearing my winter white jeans, and Hello Apparel terry cloth sweatshirt, in 34 degree weather, all while hiding under a very warm blanket...

Pants: Old Navy, Shirt: Hello Apparel, Shoes: Gap, Necklace: H&M (old)

Cheers to day 2!

xo Becky

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