Friday, February 25, 2011


Getting wrapped up in the plot of a cartoon show that the Husband is watching...

Falling off of a chair, leaning on a table and tilting the table so things spill...

Continual, awkward eye contact with someone at a coffee shop who you think you know

My hair in the morning...

Learning how to discipline a child- especially one who has more attitude than you

Me attempting to learn how to Stomp the Yard

It's11:00 am, you're still in your pj's, haven't brushed your teeth, and haven't combed your hair when someone knocks on the door- to answer or not to answer??

Getting a C in grad :(

Realizing that 6 months ago today you were sitting on the beach in the South of France...

The very first picture the husband and I ever took together:
Fat, greasy summer 4.5 years ago

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Happy Birthday.

This is a HAPPY BIRTHDAY shout out to my best friend Sara Kauffman!

A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have” -Annonymous

You can always tell a real friend; when you've made a fool of yourself, he doesn't feel you've done a permanent job.”- Laurence Stern

Soul-mates are people who bring out the best in you.  They are not perfect but are always perfect for you.  ~Author Unknown

A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked.  ~Author Unknown

Search not for a friend in time of need, for a true friend shall find thee.”- Annonymous
What is a friend?  A single soul dwelling in two bodies.  ~Aristotle
Love you BFF. Enjoy your special day!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Well it's official.

The husband and I are  
d.u.m.p.s.t.e.r divers.

We decided to go for walk tonight (which usually consist of me attempting to power walk and while the husband trys to keep up) since it was gorge-oso out. We decided to make a quick pit stop at the dumpster to drop off our trash. WELL, one of our lovely neighbors decided to drop off an AWESOME huge, glossy pot AND an antique bench.

Folks, this is great news- GREAT NEWS because I happen to be in need of an antique bench. Why? Well, I'm going to rip the top off of it, the husband is going to make me a larger, nicer top and wah lah- coffee table. Why would I need a large pot? 

Why wouldn't I need a large pot?

So, does this make me a career dumpster diver? I sure hope not. In fact, I had to look up the definition of dumpster diving, just so I could make sure I am in the clear:

Dumpster Divers are people who search for things that other people have thrown out that are still useful, can be recycled, and have value. Dumpster Divers will not only pick up discarded items left at the curbside of people's homes, but they will climb into dumpsters at apartment buildings and behind shopping centers.
However! Most don't actually get in the bins. Most people have some sort of long pole which allows them to just lean over the dumpster and pull the items up to them. People enjoy this hobby. It's like a Treasure Hunt.

So then I had this great idea- I should see if I can find funny You Tube videos on dumpster diving. Well that was a fail because there aren't any funny dumpster diving videos! They're all sad and depressing, so knix that idea.

So, I found this instead: 


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

To all the haters...

How has it been over a WEEK since I've posted something?? Faithful readers and friends, sorry for my lack of updates! To be perfectly honest, the past 10 days have been a wild mix of panic, stress, freak outs, random outbreaks of giggling, a few tears, and a couple times where I just plunked myself infront of the TV or Facebook and tuned out for a bit. What, do you ask, would elicit such random behaviors and mood swings?


I know, I know- you're probably thinking- well this was your decision to go back- I wish I could go back to college! Well it just so happens that like all good professors, mine have decided to pack 3/4 of the semester's papers and projects into 2 weeks- having them due days apart from one another. The poor husband probably thinks "where has my wife gone??" "Who is this crazy, wild woman who giggles or cries at a drop of a hat?" I have married a man of great patience and love to put up with my craziness.

Speaking of which, yesterday was my favorite holiday!!! I L-O-V-E Valentines day for the mere fact that it's a beautiful day to celebrate love. And come on, what better way to tell someone you love them then by giving them a candy heart with a romantic saying on it...right, RIGHT?? To all you haters out there, who would deny that it is even a holiday, Happy Valentines Day!

And Happy Valentines Day to MY Valentine, Joseph Tyler Kepiro:

To a lifetime of celebrating our love together:)
 Okay haters, you may now roll your eyes

And for a weardrobe fix- here are 2 of my favorites from last week:
Jeans: Gap, Shirt: F21, Jacket: H&M, Hat: H&M, Ring: f21

Jeans: Gap, Shirt: F21, Jacket: H&M, Necklace: H&M, Shoes: Charlotte Russe, Hat: H&M

Friday, February 4, 2011


1. Singing at the top of your lungs to 'Don't Stop Believing', but cracking on all the high notes because you're just that good
2. Snarting...per last week's episode of 30 Rock
3. Not being able to fit all of your stuff in one duffle bag for a weekend ski retreat......No way, I'm not high maintenence at all!
4. Calling someone who you've known for 3 weeks and have interacted with on a daily basis the wrong name.
5. Date nights with the husband that end in me writing a research paper...why can't we just snuggle on the couch and watch Grey's Anatomy a little while longggger??
6. Sleeping without a fan. That's just silly.
7. Sleeping with TWO humidifiers......don't judge me.
8. Playing hide and go seek with elementary kids and realizing that you can't fit in the tight spaces anymore....darn it old age!!
9. The cat, laying spread eagle on the floor licking her belly.....can you even picture that??
10. Saying hi to your neighbor, who is just too cool for school, and getting DENIED. How rude.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Singin' in the Rain

Currently, I am humming "Singin' in the Rain" because, well it's a rainy day! And it is not JUST a rainy day, it is a rainy, snow-melty, walking-under-the-tree-and-your-hair-gets-wet kind of a day. A PERFECT kind of day for rain boots!

Friends, why did I wait until NOW to get a pair of rain boots?? Seriously, what was I thinking walking around campus in regular shoes on a rainy day when I could have owned a pair of rain boots? I walked around campus all morning and afternoon SPLASHING through puddles. Amazing :)

My Boots: Target
For a girl who wears heels like it's her job, walking in rain boots is a little tricky and they totally play up my 5'3-ness. BUT I get to SPLASH IN PUDDLES and not get my shoes and my feet wet! Amazing.

Rain boots also make me think of spring, and daffodils and yummy trench coats. Check out these goodies:
Since I'm a Minimalist at heart, I love the basics paired together with the wellies and a pop of red

There is nothing like jean shorts and a white tee in the summer time. Rainy day? Throw on a pair of boots and a cardigan!

Who DOESN'T want a heard umbrella to match with your red and white heart rain boots??

A night out on the town

Cold, wintry, rainy day outfit- I'm loving the beanie!

Thank you Puxtawney Phil the Groundhog for making warmer weather come faster :) In the mean time, I'm going to splash around in more puddles!