Friday, March 25, 2011


Hi. Hey. Hello.
So I realized today that I've taken a week long hiatus where  I just didn't feel motivated to write anything.  And it's not that I wasn't motivated to write, it's just every time I sat down to write something, I sat on Facebook instead.

Stupid Facebook and it's ability to creep on people's lives.

But anyway, here I am and today is TGIAwkard but I don't really have any awkward things to write I'm pretty dry I guess!

Well, that is until you get me talking about my 30/30 challenge. 

So here I am one day, minding my own business and reading a bunch of blogs (instead of doing school work of course), when I stumble upon Kendi Everyday blog. So I'm scrolling through reading her blog posts and then I found her link titled 30 for  30. Now, essentially her concept is you go through your closet and select 30 somethings- they can be shoes and articles of clothing. Tanks and cami's don't count, along with accessories and jewelry. Then you take your 30 items and "remix" them into 30 "new" outfits for 30 days! 


It saves you money AND you start to view your closet differently

And if you're anything like me, when the seasons start to change or an event is coming up, my first reaction is to run to the mall and pick out something fantastic to wear. And because I do this almost every time, my closet space is continuing to shrink, the husband's closet space is shrinking AND my personal spending budget each month is blown within the first few days of the new month.

So here I go, on my challenge (well the official start is Monday). I am going to try really hard to do this. Each day (aside from those days that I have to wear my work uniform and sneakers for the after school program), I will take a picture of my newly remixed outfit. Everything I will wear will be from my current closet and I will not purchase an article of clothing or shoes for 30 days. **I'm already starting to break out into a sweat**

 Will you take this challenge with me? 

You might be thinking, well I don't even HAVE 30 things that I could remix for 30 days. Well, what about 15 days? 

What about 10?

Why not even try 5? 

It could be a fun way of looking at your closet differently, and start using a creative eye to the pieces that you currently own.

Happy Weekend!

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