Monday, May 16, 2011

March 25th

Um, hi.

Faithful readers, I am back. Almost two months later and I have finally returned. Sorry for the extended hiatus (I love using that word)...and I really don't have any other excuse other than the fact that life just got in the way and kept me from updating my blog! The business of school happened, and happened, and h-a-p-p-e-n-ed and bam, it turned out to be May 5th, and school was over and I had a week of freedom....until today, where I start  my crazy summer schedule of classes.

Today, and for the next month, I will be in class for 6 hours straight Mon.-Wed.


But anyway, on a more happier school note, I got straight A's!! And the only reason I wanted to share that bit of information is because, well, I never got straight A's before. Not ever. Not once. Never happened. *cue me doing a victory dance and raisin' the roof* 

Now, over the past almost-2 months, I came to a few conclusions. Well, actually it's really been the past week, but same difference....

1. I have decided to make a blanket

Yes friends, I am going to s-e-w. Now the funny story is, I DON'T sew. Let me rephrase that, I've never sewed (is that a word?!?!?) with a sewing machine. And the funny thing is, I have a sewing machine! I got one as a wedding gift and just never broke it out of the box! So, as I stumbled across my sewing machine, I thought wouldn't it be nice to make something fabulous. And what is more fabulous than a blanket?? (don't answer that) Well I decided on a blanket because blankets are pretty easy to make (so I'm told). So today, I am visiting the Sassy Tassel to pick out my fabric, and off we go. I'll let you know how this works out....especially because I have no idea how to even thread my sewing machine.... 

*ps. if you have any tips, they would be MUCH appreciated

2. I will master the art of the high bun

My beautiful friend Aimee Weaver inspired me to wear this hair style, since she's been rockin' it lately. And when she said "it's so easy to do!" I had to believe her. So, I watched Sydney, from The Daybook's tutorial on how to do it, and Wa-La I had a it messy and weird looking, I had it! 

3. I will find the perfect shade of lipstick

For those of you that know me, I am a chapstick FIEND. I have to have it on my person AT ALL TIMES. If I don't have it, my lips kind of shrivel up like a raisin. Okay they don't actually shrivel up, but they FEEL like they do! My whole life, I have always worn either chapstick or chapstick and lipgloss. Never lipstick. Well, since I'm 24 and on my way to....whatever, I have decided to like lipstick. It's like a womanly right of passage or something. 

So the issue is, what shade? I want to be able to rock the fire engine red lipstick, but am thinking that is probably not the shade to start out with... no matter how glamorous it is...

I am a minimalist, nude tone kind-of a girl...

So, as I am graduating to womanly lipstick- I am off to find the right shade... any one have any suggestions??

4. I am once again, remixing my closet 

On my March 25th post I wrote about the 30/30 challenge where I was going to totally remix my closet and not shop for a month. Well, that didn't happen and I was not motivated enough to continue it. But, I now have a renewed pep in my step and am determined to achieve this (especially this month since I have to be a bit more budget minded). So it's back on. Remixing the ol' closet. No pressure to come up with new and exciting outfits every day, I'm simply doing it to save money and retrain my mind that I have TONS of options in my closet, and I don't need to run out and buy a new something when I'm bored with what I have. 


  1. Yes,the high bun!!! I know you can totally rock it. Congrats on the straight A's you smart girl!

  2. Hi Becky, I love reading your blogs. Congratulations on the strait A's! :) I do sell Mary Kay, so if you would like any lipstick samples just let me know! Have a great week! :) ~ Tammy
