Friday, March 25, 2011


Hi. Hey. Hello.
So I realized today that I've taken a week long hiatus where  I just didn't feel motivated to write anything.  And it's not that I wasn't motivated to write, it's just every time I sat down to write something, I sat on Facebook instead.

Stupid Facebook and it's ability to creep on people's lives.

But anyway, here I am and today is TGIAwkard but I don't really have any awkward things to write I'm pretty dry I guess!

Well, that is until you get me talking about my 30/30 challenge. 

So here I am one day, minding my own business and reading a bunch of blogs (instead of doing school work of course), when I stumble upon Kendi Everyday blog. So I'm scrolling through reading her blog posts and then I found her link titled 30 for  30. Now, essentially her concept is you go through your closet and select 30 somethings- they can be shoes and articles of clothing. Tanks and cami's don't count, along with accessories and jewelry. Then you take your 30 items and "remix" them into 30 "new" outfits for 30 days! 


It saves you money AND you start to view your closet differently

And if you're anything like me, when the seasons start to change or an event is coming up, my first reaction is to run to the mall and pick out something fantastic to wear. And because I do this almost every time, my closet space is continuing to shrink, the husband's closet space is shrinking AND my personal spending budget each month is blown within the first few days of the new month.

So here I go, on my challenge (well the official start is Monday). I am going to try really hard to do this. Each day (aside from those days that I have to wear my work uniform and sneakers for the after school program), I will take a picture of my newly remixed outfit. Everything I will wear will be from my current closet and I will not purchase an article of clothing or shoes for 30 days. **I'm already starting to break out into a sweat**

 Will you take this challenge with me? 

You might be thinking, well I don't even HAVE 30 things that I could remix for 30 days. Well, what about 15 days? 

What about 10?

Why not even try 5? 

It could be a fun way of looking at your closet differently, and start using a creative eye to the pieces that you currently own.

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Too legit to quit.

Well friends, the husband and I are officially too legit to quit (just in case you were wondering). Wanna know why? Well,

we officially said goodbye to the PC world

and bought a Mac.

And once again, Steve Jobs has proved his amazing-ness. 

And why is it now that I have a Mac, I feel 10x COOLER?? I mean, it's just a computer right? Right. But it's a smart computer. A savvy computer. A slick computer. It moves fast, stays cool, and I currently have a very high res. picture of a zebra staring at me from my desktop background. Oh yeah, it's just that cool. I even feel cooler blogging now.

Feel free to roll your eyes at me. 

So in the spirit of my recent purchase, I found this pretty funny video pertaining to Macs...

Thanks Steve Jobs.

Anyway, on a much different note, I ran into one of my colleagues from the Y who happens to read my blog (thanks Susan!) and she brought to my attention that I did not really write anything about Florida fashion last week. Well, to be honest, it was too stinkin' COLD to even really care about anything other than getting warm. That, paired with Daytona's Motorcycle Week left much to be desired. I mean, if I was in the business of looking for the next lace skull camp, or a sweet pair of chaps, or a tank top with hook and eyes all the way down (which exposed WAY too much), then, yes, I may have been inspired. But, well- that just wasn't cutting it for me!

HOWEVER, the husband and I stopped in Savannah to spend a day and night and let me just say, those southern girls know how to dress- especially in cooler weather. One of my favorite things about "cooler" weather is the fact that you can pair sandals with a sweater or a long sleeve shirt or jacket/blazer. I love that. I'm really looking forward to the days coming up when I can do that. So here are a few of my inspirations I found to keep us warm when it's cool out:

Even Dakota Fanning (does anyone remember when she was 8 years old?? When did she grow up??) is rocking the flips and the blazer.

I also really love the boyfriend jean look. I know many people are going to read this and say, psh I could never rock that. But, I would say YOU CAN! If you like a little structure, pair it with a blazer and some heels or flats. You can always tuck your shirt in (just as long as it isn't too tight), throw on a loose scarf or layer necklaces, throw on a cardigan and you have a great outfit! Check out some of these pictures I found of how you can rock them this spring and summer:
Obsessed with stripes. And boyfriend pants. And summer. And spring. And sunshine.

This one is specifically for the best friend who would argue that she couldn't wear boyfriend jeans because they aren't "structured"- pair 'em with a structured blazer and booties and bamo!

I love the idea of wearing a spring time trench coat with the boyfriend jeans. The  lady in the middle did an awesome job because had she worn flats, it would have made her look short and cut off. Because she wore the heels, it makes her look rock-star taller!

I really love the structure of the entire outfit, even though she is wearing loose fitting jeans. And of course, since I'm slightly obsessed with stripes, the pop of black and white really makes the outfit!

I love the simplicity of this look!

I love that this model is obviously standing on her tip toes and not wearing heels. As if the 5'10 model needs to be any taller!! But I love her outfit, so she's winning anyway.

So those are just my thoughts for today. After I hit "publish post" I'm going to step outside and HOPEFULLY feel some warmer weather. Happy St. Patties Day!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011







Bike. Week.

BIKE WEEK! It is Bike Week here in Daytona (as Tyler and I soak up the southern sun during spring break), and there are motorcycles E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E
And because it is only our FIRST day here, I have come to the conclusion that if I never see or hear a motorcycle again for the rest of my life, I will be totally okay with that.

Unless Brad Pitt rides by.

Dressed in a white t-shirt, jeans, brown leather jacket and aviators.

On a vintage Harley.

With a scarf.

Like in Benjamin Button:

Even Tyler admitted he would be okay with that:)

BUT, that's the only way I want to see another motorcycle. Unless the husband is on it- dressed like Brad Pitt, in aviators, with a vintage Harley. Okay, I would be good with that too.

On another note, since I am currently in warmer weather, I am now desiring warmer weather back home so I can break out the yummy spring clothes and sandals that are ready to burst from my closet. So, to celebrate warmer weather, I found some of these outfits that I am in love with right now:

I L-O-V-E this outfit- every thing about it, and am in hopes of grabbing this beautiful jacket.

Ann Taylor Loft
I love the earthy colors of this outfit, and how the belt holds the looseness of the shirt and pants together perfectly. Cooler weather? Throw on a bomber jacket or motorcycle jacket (ew, did I just say motorcycle??)

Again, L-O-V-E this outfit. Especially the natural colors of the khaki and the white skirt with the denim shirt.

I just really love this belt and how it draws the waste in.


I love the pencil skirt with the loose, drapey shirt, perfect in warmer weather, but if it gets cooler, throw on a blazer. 

Friday, March 4, 2011


It's Frrrrrrriday which means another TGIAwkward!

Having your hair stylist do your hair after it's always seems to not be the way you normally do it. But ohhh that head massage....

Walking around with a price tag sticker from another product stuck on your butt.

Someone fighting with a librarian at the City library...aren't they supposed to use their inside voices?

Looking outside and thinking its warmer than it is.

Biting your nails...picking your nails...biting your nail polish...picking your nail polish...just biting or picking anything on your hands.

Talking to undergrad students about married life...

Having your cellphone ring while you're using a public bathroom.

This picture:
Lederhosen men rocking out to polka!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I just saw.

I just saw a robin.


I'm not exactly sure why I felt that statement needed to be shouted but usually when someone sees their first robin of the season, they feel the need to announce it. So here I am, announcing my siting!

So usually right around this almost-spring time, comes up that annoying little word called midterms. Guys, I H-A-T-E studying for tests and really am not very good at it. Usually I do EVERYTHING to avoid  studying. Case in point last night- I helped the husband fold the laundry, cleaned up the kitchen, hung up other laundry to dry, surfed the web, read peoples blogs, sat on Facebook. I did all this and then 1 1/2 hours later, I FINALLY SAT DOWN TO STUDY.

And its not just the act of taking the test, but I honestly don't remember how I studied as an undergrad. You know how when you are in your senior year of high school or college, you have studying down pat? You know that note cards work, sitting on the floor works, having your computer blaring with music works, re-writing your notes work. Well, since I've been out of school for almost 3 1/2 years, I TOTALLY FORGET HOW TO STUDY.

Do I use notecards?
Do I listen to music?
Do I re-write my notes?
Do I cram?

What do I do???

Taking midterms is equivalent to a splinter in your finger

So in the effort to stay fully engaged with my studying, I decided to find MORE things to occupy my mind while putting off studying and I found this:

And as I sit here and post this, I am AVOIDING STUDYING.