Monday, January 31, 2011

Terrible. Horrible. NO GOOD. Very Bad Day


As I sit here and write I am in a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad mood.

Do you remember this guy?

If you haven't read this book, it is the ideal one to read when you are, well, having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

To sum up my day, lots of things happen, a few things didn't happen, and I ended up in a crabby mood. Yes, I know, hard to believe it right??

The best part of my day (aside from spending time with the husband and in-laws) was the start of my first day as an after school coordinator with the YMCA (yes, my past employer as of 3 weeks ago). Basically, I get to hang out with 15 School District of Lancaster kids and then a few more (which I have yet to meet) at a Manheim Central elementary school. And let me just say, They are literally so cool. Today, I witnessed one 8 year old having a ROYAL MELT DOWN on the bathroom floor, and 2 other 8-9 year old girls came in and heaped a ton of encouragement on her! I mean, it was really incredible because this little lady was S.O.B.B.I.N.G and her two friends just lifted her spirits.

THEN, there was Romero the break dancer.

I am not kidding, this 8 year old can DANCE. Think Stomp the Yard, Step Up style. At one point he's spinning on his head, popping, locking and dropping AND doing some other form of break dancing I've never even seen before. He proudly claimed "I've got dancing videos on YouTube". I mean what??? The kid is good and since, well, you know, I'm half Filipino, I figure I've got some rhythm right??


There is nothing like getting laughed at by an 8-9 year old....

You win some, you lose some.
So in the spirit of dancing, and to cheer me up a bit, I decided to watch some pretty great dancing sequences, and decided that the last dance sequence from Step Up 2 is my favorite.


Can anyone tell me how that girl moves her body???

And now that I'm on a roll, I really wish I could sing, and my life would be a musical...kind of like Glee...

And since we're going crazy now, this would be the IDEAL song and dance for me:

She is so cool.

After watching and listening to all those songs and dances, I think I'm going to do Wii DDR and get out of this grumpy mood...what do you think?

Daily Weardrobe:
Flats: Gap, Jeans: Gap, Long Sleeve Tee: Jimmy's, Jacket, Kohl's, Necklace: H&M Switzerland

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Progression of Awkward

Have you ever tried to take a picture of yourself and it just didn't work? Well this is MY progression of awkward posing so I could show the blog-reading world my outfit for the day. 

As you can see, I started by not knowing what to do with myself...

 And then I had a really G.R.E.A.T idea...why not pose like I'm bending in with my closet space....

And then we got REALLY CRAZY and tried to make muscley arms....which doesn't work when you have spaghetti arms.

And then this one, well I'm not quite sure what I am attempting to do...maybe take flight? This was the husband's favorite.
 I think this was mid-talk? I'm not sure. Either that or I've got a sour piece of candy in my mouth and I'm mid-step towards taking the camera from the husband and shooting my own pictures...
Boots: Target, Jeans: Gap, Sweatshirt/sweater: American Eagle, Belt: Thrifted, Denim Shirt (hiding beneath the sweatshirt): H&M, Glasses: Francescas, Hat: H&M

And as you can see, once I take matters into my own hands, at least I get a semi decent "take a picture of myself in the mirror" shot.

And that ladies and gentlemen is my first "daily weardrobe" picture. I'm hoping that sooner or later the Husband and I will upgrade to a nice SLR camera where we can take fabulous pictures and actually look like we know what we're doing. Until then, our Nikon CoolPix will have to work!

So with that said, I will leave you with one final picture to top off this truly amazing progression of awkward:
Psycho Kitty drinking out of my water cup. Epic Fail.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow. Day.

Ahhh, those two lovely words that are like magic to a child's (and adults!) ears.

Snow. Day.

What do those words mean to Y-O-U?

I know for me they meant, snow angels, sleeping in, sledding with the neighbors, drinking hot chocolate, watching movies, reading, and at night, enjoying the "snow glow" that sets in (you know, that soft glow that night takes on when it is snowing). It is fantastic.

Well as an adult, there are certain dilemmas we face with those two words- snowy roads = uber cautious drivers, do you go into work, call in "sick" or attempt to drive in and arrive an hour late? My dilemma of this morning was- WHAT DO I WEAR?

....I know, you are probably thinking- really though? It's snowing, no one cares. Well, friends, I care and my dilemma started with do I wear my outfit I have planned out, OR do I rock the Uggs and a sweatshirt, OR do I wear my tall brown boots with the wedge, kitten heel and hope for the best? Dilemmas people. I decided on the wedge kitten heel boot over the Uggs. 
Comfy yet not totally unprofessional and they
surprisingly worked well in the snow.

In fact, today's Snow.Day. outfit consisted of my tall brown boots (Target, $29.99), tall, light gray socks that hit just below the knee and just above the boot (Target, $2.99), dark skinny jeans tucked in the boot and in the socks (Gap, $69.50), a deep v-necked white long tee (F21, $6.50), a long grayeige SUPER COMFY cardigan (F21, $14.50), and a light gray beanie (Walmart, $1.50).

Can't picture it? Me neither...I am working on posting pictures sometime soon...

On a much different note and another fantastic thing about SNOW.DAYS are snowy nights when you can go out in the snow and play with the husband. This consisted of making snow angels, annoying the neighbors dogs, AND building the BEST LOOKING snowman, E.V.E.R.

Meet Snowman Bill
The process of going out to play in the snow is a hefty one. I hate putting on all of the layers and I think just standing in one place with all of my layers on (I wear about 6) literally makes me tired...

As you can tell, it is quite the process for the Husband and myself. Please not the massive pile of coats 
behind my feet.

Well, as you can see, we finally got done putting on our 6+ layers and we were ready for some fun!

Yes, he is quite large

Snowman Bill

And then there is the fact that once you come in you are DRIPPING wet with snow...literally

Melt Down
Here is to more fantastic Snow. Days. to come!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I am learning

I am learning that this  cute, furry, bundle of joy adores sitting on me or my computer when I am trying to do school work.  As I am writing this, psycho kitty has literally jumped up on my lap and then on the desk 4 times after I have, so graciously, put her down on the floor.

I am learning that going back to college is hard after being out of the loop for 3.5 years (did I really have this much reading to do??).

I am learning that husbands can easily forget to do tasks that you ask them (so very kindly) to do :)

I am learning what it means to be "invested" in today's teenagers...even if that means you are a big nerd and they make fun of you.

I am learning what it means to be confident in who God has made me (and is continuing to shape me) to be and what I can bring to my relationships.

I am learning what it means to be a better listener, a better friend, and a better daughter.

I am learning what it means when they say that there is a ton of responsibility that comes with owning a dog (thanks Andy for giving me the opportunity to learn this one).

I am learning what it means when they say "are you a glass half-empty or half-full kind of person?" - I'm working on being the glass half-full kind of person.

I am learning that my marriage doesn't need to fit the "cookie cutter" mold and it doesn't need to look a certain way - which goes against what society deems as success.

I am learning that heels are not the most practical form of shoe when you are tromping around a college campus...aka.Louboutins are a fail.

I am learning that the Prodigal Son story is not just about one son, but about both...the elder and the younger and I am so quick to judge the younger of the brothers.

I am learning what true Grace and patience means.

I am learning to have more faith, more trust and more honesty with God.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Is she not the cutest thing you have ever seen??

Too bad she isn't mine...

Friday, January 21, 2011


1. How awkward would you feel if you were T-H-I-S girl?
This is an e.p.i.c f.a.i.l.
AND it happened at Berkshire Mall in Reading, PA.

2. Taking a drink of water from a water fountain with your hands full of text books , a beanie is on your head about to fall in the water, and your cell phone is slipping from your free hand....AND you get about 4 inches of your hair wet because it stuck to your mouth after taking a sip of water. 

3. Falling down the stairs...where did that step go??

4. Sitting in a class with all underclassmen and the professor (when taking roll) asks you, do I know you from some where? Me: hmm I don't think so. Professor: Are you sure??. Me: I think so! Professor: No, I really think I know. Me: *awkward laugh

5. This outfit:

6. When your nail polish gets the first pick or not to pick?

7. When you rub your dark jeans against your filthy car while climbing in and proceed to walk around all day with a huge dirt smudge on your leg.

8. When you (accidentally!!) elbow your husband in the face while you are sleeping

9. Stretching in your skis
The best and Lindsey H. stretching.
10.This picture of me...resurrecting from the 6th grade year book that I found yesterday...don't judge me.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 2.

You would think that the first blog post you write is the hardest because you don't know what to write, and you aren't sure if people are really going to care.

Well, I would disagree.

I think that the second post you write is the hardest because you've already established yourself in your first post, but it's the second that is going to truly hook your readers.

Are you hooked yet?

Well if not, that's okay- keep reading.

You may be wondering why I named my blog "Life in BeckyColor"? As the story goes, one of my friends, Jon Sigmon (Sig) is a fabulous youth pastor/worship leader/tech guru at Calvary Assembly in Rochester, NY. He is also a good friend of the Husband and happens to arrange songs in his spare time.

This is Sig.
I also happen to be IN LOVE with the band Coldplay and their song Life in Technicolor. One day,
the husband and I were driving some where and heard the song and collaboratively thought "Hey, this would be perfect for the processional song at the wedding".... Okay, that is what I thought. He probably thought..."Good. Song. Wedding." ":)

So to make a long story short, Sig took Coldplay's "Life in Technicolor", arranged it, and made it "Life in Becky Color"... taking a 2 minute song and extending it to a fantastic 4 minute and 21 second processional song. Bravo Sigmon.

So the name stuck and the rest is blog history.

How am I doing so far? Utterly boring you or totally engaging you? Sorry if it's the latter :)

As most of you know, I have decided to go back to school. As if one degree was enough! Since I've got my B.S in Public Relations and have been out in the field for 3.5 years now, it just TOTALLY.MAKES.SENSE. for me to go back for Elementary Education, right??

I am fully ready to admit that it doesn't really make sense that I am completely switching my area of focus from PR to Elementary Education. The only problem is, well, I just love kids! I believe in them. I want to see them grow and learn. I want to help them discover new things, encourage them to take challenges, and give them a high five for acing a spelling test! I want to have the cheesey apple on my desk since I'm a teacher, I want to give hugs and get hugs from kids, I want to go to their recitals and soccer games. I want them to know that someone believes in them.

And just for a little encouragement this week, this welcomed me while I was getting ready for school.

Thanks husband :) Happy 5 months!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Here it is folks!

Well here it is!

*Smmmmmmhuhhhh* That was me breathing in the smell of a fresh, clean blog page. A page waiting to be filled with ideas, questions, thoughts, words...or at the very least my slightly spastic ramblings.

So... welcome! I'm Becky and this is my blog (obviously). Thanks for stopping by and sharing in my little corner of the world. Happy reading!